How dare that (now dead) Islamic Jihad commander ruin a good story about Israeli war crimes against journalists

A couple of complementary stories today.

First, the international media still is falling for Pallywood in one of the most egregious examples of cynical Palestinian death rituals played out for the media.

A four year old boy was killed in the fighting, and the Palestinians paraded the dead body including for widely circulated photo-ops with the visiting Egyptian Prime Minister.  But it turns out the boy was killed by the premature detonation of a Palestinian rocket, not by the Israelis.  Elder of Ziyon blog was one of the first to call foul on media reports, Dead child cradled by Egypt’s PM was killed by Hamas! Now The Telegraph in Britain has confirmed:

The highly publicised death of four-year-old Mohammed Sadallah appeared to have been the result of a misfiring home-made rocket, not a bomb dropped by Israel.The child’s death on Friday figured prominently in media coverage after Hisham Kandil, the Egyptian prime minister, was filmed lifting his dead body out of an ambulance. “The boy, the martyr, whose blood is still on my hands and clothes, is something that we cannot keep silent about,” he said, before promising to defend the Palestinian people.But experts from the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights who visited the site on Saturday said they believed that the explosion was caused by a Palestinian rocket.

Now move on to the second story, the claims of “war crimes” because the Israelis targeted a building housing international media.  An author at Firedoglake proclaimed, Israel’s Targeting of Media Is a War Crime, rejecting Israeli warnings that journalists should leave certain buildings as itself a violation of international law:

The truth is Israel intended to send a message to journalists. They want the press to clear out. They want press to have only a few sources for information on Gaza attacks and any ground invasion: the appointed spokespeople of Israel.Israel has committed violations of international human rights law like this before

Well lookie what an Israeli missile just happened to find in one of those buldings, Leading Islamic Jihad operatives killed in strike on media center:

An Israeli airstrike hit a Gaza building used by a number of local and foreign news organizations on Monday afternoon. Three top Islamic Jihad operative were killed.Islamic Jihad sent a text message to reporters saying that Ramez Harb was killed in the strike Monday. The IDF spokesperson said four others — Baha Abu al Ata, Tyseer Mahmud Machmad Jaberi and Halil Baatini — used the building for hiding.Harb was a leading figure in the Islamic Jihad’s militant wing, the Al Quds Brigades.Witnesses said the strike hit a high-rise in downtown Gaza City which houses a few offices serving foreign correspondents.Thick black smoke rose from the building Monday as ambulances rushed to the scene. Reports said as many as four people were killed.The strike on the building was the second one in the past two days. The Hamas TV station, Al Aqsa, is located on the top floor. In the ongoing fighting between Israel and Hamas, over 900 rockets were launched from Gaza into Israel. While most of the rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome system, dozens of them struck residential areas and one killed three Israelis in Kiryat Malachi. The IDF has attacked over one thousand targets in the Strip, with Palestinians reporting over 90 people killed in the attacks.

The media is playing its part again as part of the Islamist propaganda machine.  This explains why this time around the Israelis have been so proactive in trying to get their message out on Twitter and other social media.

Tags: Israel, Media Bias, Pallywood, Terrorism