Get ready for National Dance For Obama Multi-City Flash Mobs tomorrow

Yes, after Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets and Romnesia, Obama supporters are proving the seriousness with which they intend to tackle the national debt, deficits, unemployment and Middle East in flames …

…  with a ….

Get Out The Vote Flash Mobs Saturday Nov. 3rd!!

19 flash mobs performed in states across the nation on Saturday, October 13th as part of a completely grassroots effort and an unprecedented display of support of Barack Obama’s presidential candidacy. The weekend before Election Day, we’re turning up the heat and encouraging people to get out and vote with flash mobs across the country. We also pledge to volunteer for the Obama campaign, knocking on doors, phone banking, or getting people to the polls on election day.

The organizers are:

We are artists, Obama supporters, friends, and dreamers of all backgrounds and professions who have joined efforts from cities across the US to launch this extraordinary initiative.

The Facebook Page has the locations and says no dance experience required!

DANCE FOR OBAMA – GET OUT THE VOTE!On Saturday, November 3rd, cities across the country will kick off flash mobs to show support and solidarity in moving forward with President Obama. Come be a part of this historic and unprecedented display of uniting for the President through the creative arts.COME DANCE! No Experience necessary!Dancers will only need to commit to a rehearsal, the flash mob date, and rehearsing at home with our videos.

I’m looking forward to this, and all the YouTube video which will be spawned by it:

Update — Is this what we have to look forward to? H/t sdog who writes, ““Forward” was Aussie PM Julia Gillard’s slogan in 2010, and there’s already a dance for that”:

Tags: Obamamania