Election Night 2012 — Live

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Fuzzy Slippers
November 6, 201211:24 pm

Florida called for Obama (thanks “Johnson” voters). Ohio to Obama.

It’s over.

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Joel Engel
November 6, 201211:20 pm

Obama will have to own his economy now, Obamacare and all.

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Joel Engel
November 6, 201211:18 pm

Correction: Obama will NOW ensure that the Bush rates stay.

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Joel Engel
November 6, 201211:17 pm

I’ll repeat something I said earlier: Obama will not ensure that the Bush tax rates stay as-is.

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Joel Engel
November 6, 201211:16 pm

I have to talk my wife off the roof.

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William A. Jacobson
November 6, 201211:13 pm

It’s over, networks calling Ohio for Obama

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William A. Jacobson
November 6, 201210:57 pm

AP calls North Carolina for Romney

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November 6, 201210:55 pm

The Buffalo News thinks that the result in Collins-Hochul (NY-27) will have to wait until the morning.

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November 6, 201210:53 pm

Most signs are positive for Chris Gibson in NY-19. As it is throughout Upstate New York, reporting is slow coming out of NY-24, Buerkle-Maffei.

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November 6, 201210:42 pm

The race in NY-25 has been called for Louise Slaughter: http://www.democratandchronicle.com/article/20121106/NEWS01/311060046/Cheers-erupt-Dems-party-race-called-Louise-Slaughter?odyssey=mod|defcon|text|Home

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November 6, 201210:40 pm

Owens and Doheny are neck in neck in NY-21, having traded the lead several times with 42% of precincts reporting. Even after endorsing Owens, Green Party candidate Hassig has 2% of the vote so far.

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Aleister G
November 6, 201210:35 pm

UPDATE: Boston.com calls it for Elizabeth Warren.

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William A. Jacobson
November 6, 201210:18 pm

At least Deb Fischer won in Nebraska —

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William A. Jacobson
November 6, 201210:11 pm

McCaskill wins in Missouri

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Fuzzy Slippers
November 6, 201210:06 pm

Current Florida numbers:

Romney / Ryan
REP 3,725,197

Obama / Biden
DEM 3,761,720

Johnson / Gray
LBT 39,689

Note the numbers on Johnson (aka votes for Obama).

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Aleister G
November 6, 201210:03 pm

Boston.com still hasn’t called race for Warren.

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William A. Jacobson
November 6, 201210:00 pm

Local TV station calls race for David Ciciline in RI-01

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Aleister G
November 6, 20129:54 pm

BREAKING: Lying Democrats matter more to Massachusetts voters than honest Republicans.

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William A. Jacobson
November 6, 20129:50 pm

most networks calling Mass for Warren

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Anne Sorock
November 6, 20129:49 pm

Who do I not feel like getting a pep talk from? John Boehner.

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Leslie Eastman
November 6, 20129:47 pm

Hoping to be a lot happier at this point in the evening.

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November 6, 20129:46 pm

With 43% of the vote, Slaughter leading Brooks by 10,000 votes in NY-25. The other Upstate NY races are reporting less than 5% of the vote.

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Anne Sorock
November 6, 20129:44 pm

Tommy Thompson loses to uber liberal Tammy Baldwin for Senate in WI

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William A. Jacobson
November 6, 20129:38 pm

Not looking good folks

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William A. Jacobson
November 6, 20129:37 pm

Mourdock loses in Indiana

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William A. Jacobson
November 6, 20129:26 pm

FOx calls Wisconsin for Obama

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Anne Sorock
November 6, 20129:23 pm

Joel, I don’t think I can stomach looking at that comment right now.

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Joel Engel
November 6, 20129:21 pm

AP exit poll says half the electorate still blames Bush for high prices and unemployment? Really? If that’s so, I don’t want to breathe the same air as half of my fellow Americans.

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William A. Jacobson
November 6, 20129:16 pm

FOX calls PA for Dems

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Joel Engel
November 6, 20129:16 pm

“Well, Jesse Jackson Jr. has 72 percent of the vote. And there you have a wonderful commentary on the electorate in Chicago.”

Anne: See my earlier comment on the 21-year-old unmarried woman voting for Obama while in labor b/c she was raised on Big Bird and thinks Romney will take her kid’s Big Bird away.

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Anne Sorock
November 6, 20129:14 pm

North Carolina flips 11th in NC Red with Mark Meadows win http://www.wcnc.com/news/politics/Meadows-brings-NCs-11th-District-to-GOP-side-177569731.html

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Aleister G
November 6, 20129:13 pm

Boston.com has not called the Brown Warren race yet. NBC is jumping the gun.

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Fuzzy Slippers
November 6, 20129:13 pm

Allen West taking lead (thankfully, I was worried), but it’s still rather close:

Allen B. West
REP 131,192

Patrick Murphy
DEM 127,905

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Anne Sorock
November 6, 20129:10 pm

Well, Jesse Jackson Jr. has 72 percent of the vote. And there you have a wonderful commentary on the electorate in Chicago.

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Joel Engel
November 6, 20129:10 pm

Oh, no…if true: NBC calls Mass for Fauxcahontas.

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Joel Engel
November 6, 20129:09 pm

CNN says Repubs hold House. Not unlike sun rising in east. Was this really in doubt?

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Fuzzy Slippers
November 6, 20129:05 pm

Florida panhandle heavily conservative / Republican, so with several precincts not yet reporting, I’m hopeful.

Romney / Ryan
REP 3,323,980

Obama / Biden
DEM 3,333,052

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Bryan Jacoutot
November 6, 20129:02 pm

In Florida, with over 6 million votes cast (71%), Romney down just 3,000 votes. Razor thin. Several Panhandle precincts still have yet to report.

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Aleister G
November 6, 20128:58 pm

Brown vs. Warren still too close.

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Aleister G
November 6, 20128:55 pm

Florida still so close. Scary.

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William A. Jacobson
November 6, 20128:52 pm

Mourdock closing in, down from 5 to about 2.5 with 50% in,

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Aleister G
November 6, 20128:44 pm

“Linda McMahon loses in CT” Not surprised, CT has become part of NY.

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William A. Jacobson
November 6, 20128:39 pm

Linda McMahon loses in CT

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Fuzzy Slippers
November 6, 20128:38 pm

FL is getting closer: 49.38% Romney/Ryan and 49.8% Obama/Biden . . . http://enight.elections.myflorida.com/FederalOffices/

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Leslie Eastman
November 6, 20128:36 pm

GREETINGS FROM THE LEFT COAST. Team San Diego is keeping an eye on the margins of victory in FL and VA — we think that will be a clue to tonight’s final results.

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Joel Engel
November 6, 20128:32 pm

Gut feeling, based on no science, it’s all about Florida.

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William A. Jacobson
November 6, 20128:29 pm

Nelson (D) wins Senate in Florida —

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Aleister G
November 6, 20128:24 pm

Can’t stand the suspense. Making Mozzarella sticks now.

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William A. Jacobson
November 6, 20128:18 pm

John Hayward‏@Doc_0

Big pile of Romney votes just hit, Tampa area turned red, Florida 52-47 for Romney.

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William A. Jacobson
November 6, 20128:17 pm

Mass Senate results trickling in, too early to say– you can follow here http://livewire.wcvb.com/Event/2012_Massachusetts_New_England_Election_Results

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William A. Jacobson
November 6, 20128:12 pm

You can follow results in Doherty-Cicilline race here http://www.providencejournal.com/politics/rhode-island/general-election/2012/results/

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William A. Jacobson
November 6, 20128:02 pm

Angus King wins in Maine, says independent but almost certain to caucus with Dems

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William A. Jacobson
November 6, 20127:59 pm

Donnelly in Indiana jumped to 4-5% lead after his home county reported, but still only 21% of vote in

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Joel Engel
November 6, 20127:47 pm

MSNBC is pointing out that if Mourdock loses Indiana, it may be b/c the Libertarian Party candidate is doing (relatively) well. I wish Libertarians would remember that the perfect is the enemy of the better.

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Aleister G
November 6, 20127:44 pm

The FOX News map is updating faster than Politico:

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Joel Engel
November 6, 20127:43 pm

Prediction: If reelected, Obama ensures that the Bush-era tax rates remain. If he’s voted out, he’ll let them rise as an FU to the country.

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Joel Engel
November 6, 20127:41 pm

In Chicago, a 21-year-old casts her ballot for Obama while she’s in labor. Reading between the lines of the story, she’s unwed and without a male partner. (Lives with her mom.) Yet she says, “I grew up on Sesame Street and PBS. [Romney] wants to cut that. What will my daughter grow up on?”

Good question. Answer: Not much.


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William A. Jacobson
November 6, 20127:40 pm

Pretty close so far in Indiana Senate, but only 10% in so far and supposedly the western part of the state, central time zone, should be strong for Mourdock

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Joel Engel
November 6, 20127:21 pm

CNN just called Florida for Gore!

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Joel Engel
November 6, 20127:18 pm

Exit polls are designed to demoralize R voters to the west of wherever they’re being reported from.

Reminder that when Jimmy Carter conceded in ’80 while polls were still open in the west, a lot of Democrats stayed home, leading to some unexpected ballot measure outcomes.

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Aleister G
November 6, 20127:06 pm

Obama won Indiana in 2008. Romney has won it decisively tonight.

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Aleister G
November 6, 20127:01 pm

FOX just called KY and IN for Romney.

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William A. Jacobson
November 6, 20127:01 pm

FOX says way too close to call in Virginia

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November 6, 20126:58 pm

Don’t be surprised if Owens-Doheny (NY-21) isn’t decided tonight: http://blog.timesunion.com/capitol/archives/163743/owens-doheny-ballots-are-impounded/

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Anne Sorock
November 6, 20126:55 pm

They’re talking Brown/Warren on FOX right now

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Aleister G
November 6, 20126:54 pm

Although I can’t stand Politico, they usually have a pretty good live map. Here it is, http://www.politico.com/2012-election/map/#/President/2012

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William A. Jacobson
November 6, 20126:34 pm

I’m watching Indiana Senate race, where polls are closed, here https://twitter.com/search/realtime?q=%23INSEN

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William A. Jacobson
November 6, 20126:19 pm

Please don’t get my hopes up http://www.nationalreview.com/campaign-spot/332786/first-massachusetts-exit-polls-brown-warren-dead-even
First Massachusetts Exit Polls: Brown, Warren ‘Dead Even’

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William A. Jacobson
November 6, 20126:09 pm

We will be updating here all night until the fat lady sings.

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Tags: 2012 Election, Live Event, Mark Meadows