Allen West still fighting for recount
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Allen West still fighting for recount

Allen West still fighting for recount

Another court hearing is scheduled for tomorrow.  Here’s the latest, according to local news reports:

As state auditors watch over the elections process in St. Lucie County through one recount, some are hoping a judge will grant a second.

A hearing has been scheduled for Friday afternoon to hear Congressman Allen West’s request for a full recount in his race with Patrick Murphy.

As of Wednesday evening, Murphy’s lead over West was just outside the half-percent margin that would trigger an automatic recount.

In a lawsuit, West claims a recount of early votes done over the weekend in St. Lucie County was improper. Three days of early voters were recounted. West’s camp wanted all 37,000 plus early votes recounted.

On Wednesday, David Drury from the Florida Division of Elections, arrived and immediately went to work observing the elections process in St. Lucie County.

A recount for the Fort Pierce mayoral race triggered by the closeness of the race took up most of the day.

Supervisor of Elections Gertrude Walker admitted Tuesday that there were issues with thousands of votes, but the recount done last Sunday cleared up that matter.

Walker also said she doesn’t have the authority to order a full recount under state law.

The West campaign issued the following statement:

West for Congress released this statement regarding the growing inconsistencies and continued obfuscation coming from St. Lucie County Board of Supervisors, Gertrude Walker, regarding the election results.

“Last night during a press conference, the Supervisor announced her office had determined that approximately 3,650 ballots were double-counted on election night, and approximately 1,950 ballots were not counted at all, with all ballots coming from the last three days of early voting – which is what was retabulated on Sunday. However, if this information is accurate, the total vote in the county should have decreased by 1,700 votes after the Sunday retabulation. Instead the total votes cast declined by 799. It simply does not add up.

In addition, according to news reports, the Supervisor of Elections announced her office re-ran some 26,000 ballots from early voting. This would account for the first 6 days of the 8 days of early voting. However, on election night, the campaign staff was told there was a problem with the first 3 days of voting, which would involve approximately 13,000 ballots based on information uploaded to the Division of Elections. What is the truth?

Finally, during the same press conference, the Supervisor announced there were some “blank” memory cards involved. If these “blank” memory cards were in reference to the election night decision to retabulate 26,000 ballots, then the cards processed on the first 5 days of early voting have been processed twice, the ballots on day 6 have been processed three times, and of the ballots on the last two days, some have been processed twice and some only once. Whether this resulted through mechanical malfunction, negligence or willful action, the voters of St. Lucie County deserve to know their votes have been fairly counted.

Towards that end, we are pleased Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner has decided to send auditors to St. Lucie County to examine the returns and the ballot-counting process, and we have detailed our concerns to him in a letter today.

The West campaign is simply seeking the truth, and an accurate count of votes. Given the inconsistencies emanating from the Supervisor’s office, we have no confidence in any of the information regarding the votes counted or the election results overall.”

West also has started a separate Recount Fund.

In the meantime, Patrick Murphy was in Washington yucking it up with Democrats, who openly cheered West’s loss.


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Where’s the ACLU? Oh, West is a black Republican so there’s no need for them! Imagine if West was a democrat!!

Geez. Murphy is a braying ass! I mean, an actual braying ass…!!!

Keep up the pressure, Col. West!

I really hope West pulls this out, but it seems like our side never wins a recount.

listingstarboard | November 15, 2012 at 10:29 am

No doubt these same voting irregularities occurred across the entire country on election day. Saddam Hussein held the same kind of elections as we do here now.

Rev’run Al Sharp-as-a-tack is down in FL now, and I hear he isn’t supporting his fellow brother West. I guess Al feels more comfortable with consorts like Tawana.

[…] Enough to Steal Posted on November 15, 2012 8:03 am by Bill Quick » Allen West still fighting for recount – Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion West for Congress released this statement regarding the growing inconsistencies and continued […]

” the only way to avoid having a cloud … is to count all the votes. Because our country is based on the consent of the governed, and the consent of the governed can only come through a vote by the people. And all the people who vote legally have to have their votes counted; that’s the basic principle. If all of the votes are counted, that’s the best way to confer legitimacy on the outcome of the election.”

–Al Gore

“This is America. When votes are cast, we count them. We don’t arbitrarily set them aside because it’s too difficult to count them.”

— Also from Al Gore

“I’m with the Bush-Cheney team and I’m here to stop the count!” John Bolton, Tallahassee, FL, Dec. 9, 2000

The sooner people realize both parties are full of crooks, the sooner we can get on with fixing it.

Carry on, Colonel West.

    paddy in reply to creeper. | November 15, 2012 at 12:02 pm

    First, John Bolton is my hero…a teller of unvarnished truth.

    Second, counting all the votes is fine and pure and righteous and should not even be a matter for discussion UNLESS you count them and count them again and count them a THIRD time until you get the desired result which is what the Gore team was trying to pull.

    Bolton and Jim Baker were absolutely right to put an end to the lefty shenanigans….

In the liberal mind Allen West is white and Elizabeth Warren is Cherokee. Their economic policies of destroying private industry to enable the growth of the middle class makes perfect sense in that to a liberal the intelligent thing to do is to take reality and promptly twisting it inside out because inversion of perception is always true.

The House can deal with this very easily by refusing to seat the putative winner of the election, Patrick Murphy, due to the clear irregularities in the process. Make the district vote again, with stringent oversight.

BannedbytheGuardian | November 15, 2012 at 4:12 pm

He needs to have good reasoto keep up this stance. Otherwise it willbe used against him .

Judgement is crucial.

Iam A. Patriot | November 15, 2012 at 4:20 pm

Fellow Patriots –

I’m betting Allen West would LOVE to hear from all of us personally. My wife and I sent him an e-mail through his website several days ago, expressing our support and admiration for his courage and leadership. It just took a second, and I’m thinking some encouraging words from all of us in his in-box right about now would give him an added boost in morale.

His contact addy is:

Note that unless you live in his district you will NOT get a personal reply, however we got a very nice “generic” reply and are quite satisfied with that.

We will also be donating to his recount fund tomorrow (payday); a victory in his battle down in Florida MAY ultimately save America. Link:

I imagine Congressman West doesn’t have a lot of time to surf conservative websites. If you’ve got an extra moment or two, please consider dropping him a line and letting him know we’ve got his six.


Iam A. Patriot

Ultimately, the GOP is behind this. Who do you think put him in this rotten district? West is too outspokenly conservative for the rotten apples who run the Republican Party.

It would not surprise me one iota if Establishment Republicans were aiding and abetting fraud behind the scenes.

BannedbytheGuardian | November 15, 2012 at 8:47 pm

Why do you not think his results would not. Be similar to Florida.-a slight D win.?

His opponent was a well known D &. blacks want to abort their babies. Because they have No baby daddy . Soap star crazed Hispanics want to abort because it would spoil their figures . It is extremely competitive to get one of those few hot hispanic roles like s s Sofia Veruga in Modern Family.

Face it – Florida is gone.

I don’t see how a court-ordered count now will help, since they’ve already been manufacturing ballots right in front of the observers, while not allowing them to see what they were writing. Those ballots will now surely be included in the count, won’t they? The court needs to do more than order a recount, it needs to order all ballots marked out of sight of Republican observers trashed and excluded from the count.