The government has become quite efficient under Obama at fast walking guns to Mexico and free cell phones to Cleveland, but has ignored its obligation to secure and promote absentee ballot requests from the military.
Via Virginia Watchdog:
A 92 percent drop in absentee-ballot requests by military personnel in Virginia is raising concerns that the Pentagonis failing to carry out a federal voting law.With only 1,746 military voters in Virginia requesting absentee ballots so far this year — out of 126,251 service members in the state —the Military Voter Protection Project says the system has broken down.And it’s not just in the Old Dominion. MVPP Executive Director Eric Eversole reports significant declines in absentee-ballot requests by service members across the nation.Compiling data from Virginia, Florida, North Carolina, Illinois, Ohio, Alaska, Colorado and Nevada, Eversole’s organization found that military families have requested 55,510 absentee ballots so far this year. That’s a sharp decline from the 166,252 sought in those states in 2008.
Oh, and by the way, the government also is making sure military contractors don’t send out sequestration layoff notices prior to the election by requiring that only contractors who comply with the request for a delay will have their layoff notice expenses paid by the contracting agency. That’s right, your tax money being used to promote Obama’s campaign effort.
But don’t dare ask someone for a voter i.d., that’s voter suppression.
The fish is rotting from the head down.