Romney’s Rovian BBBB strategy

The wheels on the Obama bus are falling off.

Unless someone can bring up an October surprise which allows the careening vehicle to hit Romney, the momentum is unmistakably against Obama.

The man on the bus just unveiled a strategy of re-introducing himself to the American people — after 4 years! 

He even has a shiny new booklet, and it comes with a video.  (Or does the booklet come with the video? We must know the answer to that question.)

No wonder the Romney campaign is exuding confidence and optimism.

That confidence and optimism is just a Rovian tactic, according to Jonathan Chait in New York Magazine (or is it The New Yorker, I keep confusing the two), Romney Says He’s Winning — It’s a Bluff:

Romney is carefully attempting to project an atmosphere of momentum, in the hopes of winning positive media coverage and, thus, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.Over the last week, Romney’s campaign has orchestrated a series of high-profile gambits in order to feed its momentum narrative….Karl Rove employed exactly this strategy in 2000. As we now know, the race was excruciatingly close, and Al Gore won the national vote by half a percentage point. But at the time, Bush projected a jaunty air of confidence. Rove publicly predicted Bush would win 320 electoral votes. Bush even spent the final days stumping in California, supposedly because he was so sure of victory he wanted an icing-on-the-cake win in a deep blue state.

Yes, Karl Rove convinced Obama to turn his own campaign into a series of zingers and cartoon punch lines, the devious BBBB Strategy:  Big Bird, Binders, and Bayonets.

Face it, the empty suit is empty.  Karl Rove didn’t built that, New York Magazine did.

Tags: Karl Rove, Obama campaign