Quota week at College Insurrection
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Quota week at College Insurrection

Quota week at College Insurrection

In case you missed it:

Plus the war continues on campus:

And smash mouth of the week:


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Howard Dean and Rick Santorum are coming to Cornell? To debate? Why? I thought Dean was all but out of the political scene. Besides, I’d be much more interested in a debate between, say, Professor Jacobson and Nancy Pelosi!

1. So the nation founded on the idea of individual sovereignty and God-given personal rights—the nation which achieved global pre-eminence by pursuing those ideas—turns its back on its Founding principles and embraces top-down, thuggery-driven quotas. Back in the 1950s, a science-fiction story with this theme would have been considered too ridiculous to print.

2. The Left, i.e. the Marx had some good ideas which have never been correctly applied crowd, loves affirmative action because it is a way of insinuating a Marxist mindset (victim groups = Marxist classes) into society.

Too many choices, too many target-rich subjects. One could spend all day commenting on the dysfunctional mess that is higher education today.

If undergrads are on an interpretive trail in a forest of knowledge, they can’t see the forest for the “Little Shop of Horrors” trees that line the path and demand their attention, lest they be gobbled up at the slightest PC misstep.

Disciplinary quotas? I won’t even dare take a peek at that one … because I’m sure my blood would be boiling all day long.

Oh, diversity … all these tribes are different and we’re only enriched by it all … but the differences can only be good!! If a difference paints a tribe in a comparatively bad light … then that difference ceases to exist!

Differences must be good … for everybody!

I’ll start practicing disciplinary quotas on my own kids right away!

One of them going through a bad phase of behavior because of a stage of development and hormones?

Then the siblings are just as guilty!!

LukeHandCool (who, if parenting is both a science and an art, will be in danger of being labelled a freaking modern da Vinci!)

Oh, there is a fascinating case (took place at least 10 or 15 years ago) of a young white man who was working on his dissertation at Caltech and gave up a promising career as a scientist to teach high school math and science in Pasadena (I believe).

It would be like Professor Jacobson giving up law practice, teaching at Cornell and writing his blog to teach middle school.

Well, of course the serious students absolutely loved him and his teaching. He was in it for his love of education and helping kids.

But he made the huge mistake of sending out an email to the school’s other teachers and administrators about his concern over the bad and disruptive behavior of a significant portion of the school’s black male students. He wanted to start a conversation on how to tackle the problem.

He was tackled instead, or should I say, sacked behind the line of scrimmage by his own team.

The parents of serious black students were outraged at the cowardice of his colleagues when the PC mob attacked him and chased him out of town for speaking an uncomfortable truth.