More signs of the times

More signage of the times.

From Chris in Wisconsin:

From Linda in Tennessee:

Our neighbor a mile down the road posted this yard sign. I would caption it: “It’s your Choice!”.When I stopped, introduced myself and asked for permission to photo it, the owner told me he needed a text sign, saying “Gone Golfing, Ask Mitt”. The owner plans to enhance this yard art as his grass grows.Thank you for all you do on the “Insurrections” to promote candidates and call out the media spin machine, which grossly distorts events in its single-minded Re-Elect Obama Campaign.

From Celeste in Ohio:

I passed a Romney yard sign on the way home. I thought I saw a swastika drawn on the sign. So I drove back to get a picture of the sign and saw that it wasn’t a swastika. It was a manji, a mirror image of a swastika. So either it was a mistake or it was a drive-by message of universal harmony. This is very blue Columbus, Ohio so more than likely it was the former.

Have no doubt Celeste, it was meant to deface the Romney sign with a swastika, but as has happened before, the author was too ignorant to get his ignorance right.</

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