Election Day Empty Chair Countdown – Day 6

Each day until Election Day we will feature a previously unpublished photo sent in by a Legal Insurrection reader on National Empty Chair Day, September 3, 2012.

The countdown continues with 6 days to go.

Today’s first Empty Chair photo comes to us from Joy in Michigan who writes, “I figured as long as I was putting out the empty chair, I might as well explain to the neighbors what it was there for!”

 It’s good to remember the failures of this Empty Chair President and that we, the people, have the power to remove him from office on November 6th . . . before he does any further damage.

Our next photo comes to us from and LI reader in Florida.  I can’t quite make out the sign, but the first word appears to be “restart.”

 The second word is definitely “Obama,” and that is definitely an empty chair in a garbage can.  I think the message is clear.

The next photo was submitted by Scott in California.  The sign on the beer reads, “White House Ale.”

 What “ails” us is a failed empty chair president, and no, we can’t take four more years.

Our next photo comes from Lisa in Texas who seems equally unimpressed with the empty chair president’s White House brews.

Ouch! Empty chair AND empty beer mug.  Love it!

The next Empty Chair photo comes to us from Dave in Maryland who writes, “ I am a 32-year military veteran. Quote from Eastwood says it all.

The Eastwood quote does indeed say it all . . . even if the Narcissist in Chief who bypasses Congress and issues executive orders like a dictator doesn’t (yet) believe that he is our employee, not our king.

(Note: DO NOT SEND additional photos, we are using only photos originally submitted on National Empty Chair Day.)

Tags: Empty Chair