Each day until Election Day we will feature a previously unpublished photo sent in by a Legal Insurrection reader on National Empty Chair Day, September 3, 2012.
The countdown continues with 18 days to go.
Today’s Empty Chair photo comes to us from LI reader “Biff” who writes, “This message is so important that it needs to be on billboards, buses, yard signs, posters, flyers, and business card handouts… anyplace the undecided can see it and think about it. It’s the essence of why he must go. Act now – we CAN defeat this man!”
Excellent. And true.
(Note: DO NOT SEND additional photos, we are using only photos originally submitted on National Empty Chair Day.)
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You know, on Nov. 8th, after Romney wins, you ought to post a picture of an empty toilet on a lawn with the caption about being flushed. 😉
That’s just being mean, but I love that comment for all those reasons! Hooray! 😉
Well, there are many reasons why the flies are circling. Nearly all of them have to do with the person involved. So, as I learned the hard way, it’s not mean or cruel to have it pointed out that “he brought on himself.”
Obama’s vision: the muddled masses yearning to be enslaved.
We’ve heard it all before:
I don’t know, man — they’ll be the first ones to start whining once they’re enslaved.
The only saving grace about an Obama re-election is that it’ll be fun to watch the Obama-idiots get a very, very hard slap of reality across their faces. And not just one, but many, many — and for the rest of their lives.
The rest of us will at least have planned our lives accordingly and will likely prosper more than those who so willingly put their heads up their rear ends.
DRUDGE: Media whore and Democrat shill Gloria Allred is posed to put forward fabricated sex-scandal concerning Mitt Romney: