David Cicilline (D RI-01) back to his Mediscare routine

I have warned you that former Providence Mayor and current Congressman David Ciciline is one of the most effective Mediscare mongers.

In his 2010 run for Congress, during which he lied about the abysmal finances of Providence in order to get elected, Cicilline ran a bus tour of Senior Citizen centers in which he claimed Seniors would not get their checks if Republicans took over.

Now Cicilline is at it again with a stunt in which he brought senior citizens carrying bags of empty pill bottles to the campaign offices of Brendan Doherty, Cicilline sends seniors to Doherty camp:

The scene quickly became campaign theater as the group packed the small hallway in front of the campaign office. As the seniors were about to leave, Doherty’s campaign members handed out information, saying that Cicilline lied to them on Doherty’s stance.”This is to be expected,” added Doherty. “This is the way Congressman Cicilline operated in 2010. He actually lied in 2010.Cicilline says the pill bottle drop-off orchestrated by his campaign was not a gimmick.”Protecting seniors from increased cost of prescription drugs, providing them with free preventative exams, that’s not a gimmick,” he said. “I think they have a right to do anything they can to bring attention to the issue.”

Cicilline also is playing the War on Women card, but Doherty is fighting back:

Republican congressional candidate Brendan Doherty on Thursday hit back against accusations that he isn’t a strong supporter of women by attacking incumbent Democratic Rep. David Cicilline for his past as a defense attorney who represented criminals accused of hurting women.

Doherty, former head of the state police, held a news conference at a boxing gym to declare that ‘‘the gloves are off’’ in his race against Cicilline, who was a criminal defense lawyer before going into politics full time in 2002.

‘‘I put bad people in jail. He tries to keep ‘em out. That’s the difference between me and David Cicilline,’’ he said.

In this overwhelmingly Democratic district (my home district), Cicilline’s tactics are effective.  The most recent polling has Cicilline up by six points.

But make no mistake, this is winnable race against a truly horrible Mediscare monger, someone on the level of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

If Cicilline wins a second term, and evades responsibility for the Providence fiscal mess, he likely will be Congressman for life.

Please donate to Doherty today.

Update — Readers should not consider Cicilline to be a lock, by any means. As this discussion indicates, this is anyone’s race. Doherty is just about to unleash the ads against Cicilline so the numbers could move:

Newsmakers 10/7: Political roundtable

Tags: RI-01 2012