Each day this week we will focus on one of the Upstate New York races included in Operation Counterweight. As mentioned before, Upstate NY is critical to holding the House, as several seats were gained by Republicans in an otherwise blue state in 2010. There also are good chances to flip one or two seats away from vulnerable Democrats.
We hope you will make a donation to each of the campaigns this week, as even small amounts of money help the campaigns in these mostly rural districts.
As before, these analyses were prepared by a Cornell student who wishes to remain anonynous.
Freshman Congresswoman Ann-Marie Buerkle won a tight race against incumbent Democrat Dan Maffei in New York’s 25th Congressional District in 2010.
Unfortunately, her new district (NY-24) is making re-election an even tougher challenge and her opponent is once again Dan Maffei, whose time out of Congress has yielded a hefty campaign war chest.
A recently released Democrat-sponsored poll shows Buerkle down 6 points to Maffei. Given that Buerkle’s new district shifted slightly blue in 2012, a partisan poll lead of 6 points suggest that the race could go either way.
Regarding Obamacare, the contrast between Buerkle and Maffei shouldn’t be unclear. Maffei claims to have opposed the locally unpopular (and otherwise onerous) Medical Device Tax included in the Affordable Care Act, but voted for the law anyway.
The DCCC has particularly targeted Buerkle as one of its most vulnerable freshman Republicans, providing the district with a heavy dose of Mediscare robocalls and commercials. Like Chris Gibson, Buerkle is receiving attacks from the Democrat Super-PAC, House Majority PAC, financed in large part by New York City Hedge Fund founder James Simons.
Check out Buerkle’s campaign website and consider making a donation for one of the country’s tightest races.

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Dems over sampled in latest Brown-Warren poll showing Warren with a 4 point bounce
Thanks again for this operation and for the unnamed Cornell students work. I just sent some California dollars to her, where those dollars may do some good for our country.