One week later, Fareed Zakaria’s one-month plagiarism suspension revoked

Fareed Zakaria, the Time columnist and host of CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS, who was exposed plagiarizing his column and suspended on August 10, has suffered long enough, apparently.

Exactly one week after news broke of the plagiarism, Time announced that they will be revoking their previously publicized one-month suspension of Zakaria, and that his column will be printed in the upcoming September 7 issue:

We have completed a thorough review of each of Fareed Zakaria’s columns for Time and we are entirely satisfied that the language in question in his recent column was an unintentional error and an isolated incident for which he has apologized. We look forward to having Fareed’s thoughtful and important voice back in the magazine with his next column in the issue that comes out on Sept 7.

CNN followed up with an announcement that they will allow Zakaria back on-air on August 26:

CNN has completed its internal review of Fareed Zakaria’s work for CNN, including a look back at his Sunday programs, documentaries, and blogs. The process was rigorous.  We found nothing that merited continuing the suspension.Zakaria has apologized for a journalistic lapse. CNN and Zakaria will work together to strengthen further the procedures for his show and blog.Fareed Zakaria’s quality journalism, insightful mind and thoughtful voice meaningfully contribute to the dialogue on global and political issues. His public affairs program GPS will return on Sunday, August 26 at 10am ET on CNN/US and 8am ET on CNN/International.

Fareed Zakaria’s “mistake” of lifting content from New Yorker writer Jill Lepore has thus established a precedent of less than a month suspension for plagiarism in the mainstream media.

Tags: Fareed Zakaria, Media


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