Fareed Zakaria, the Time columnist and host of CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS, who was exposed plagiarizing his column and suspended on August 10, has suffered long enough, apparently.
Exactly one week after news broke of the plagiarism, Time announced that they will be revoking their previously publicized one-month suspension of Zakaria, and that his column will be printed in the upcoming September 7 issue:
We have completed a thorough review of each of Fareed Zakaria’s columns for Time and we are entirely satisfied that the language in question in his recent column was an unintentional error and an isolated incident for which he has apologized. We look forward to having Fareed’s thoughtful and important voice back in the magazine with his next column in the issue that comes out on Sept 7.
CNN followed up with an announcement that they will allow Zakaria back on-air on August 26:
CNN has completed its internal review of Fareed Zakaria’s work for CNN, including a look back at his Sunday programs, documentaries, and CNN.com blogs. The process was rigorous. We found nothing that merited continuing the suspension.
Zakaria has apologized for a journalistic lapse. CNN and Zakaria will work together to strengthen further the procedures for his show and blog.
Fareed Zakaria’s quality journalism, insightful mind and thoughtful voice meaningfully contribute to the dialogue on global and political issues. His public affairs program GPS will return on Sunday, August 26 at 10am ET on CNN/US and 8am ET on CNN/International.
Fareed Zakaria’s “mistake” of lifting content from New Yorker writer Jill Lepore has thus established a precedent of less than a month suspension for plagiarism in the mainstream media.

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“Fareed Zakaria’s quality journalism, insightful mind and thoughtful voice meaningfully contribute to the dialogue on global and political issues.”
Fahreed Zakaria is invited back with open arms into the graveyard of thought , viewers , readers that is CNN , Time.
Can’t find anyone else to fill his slot?
I knew it. I knew he’d be back, sucking back up at the table like the cur that he is, and all of them having forgotten more than forgiven (why waste the effort on forgiveness?) — as if it had never happened. “The process was rigorous.” What a joke.
Fahreed Zakaria just fits in there with the story of the American Atheists who believe that that the God, that they don’t believe in, embodied in the cross at the 9/11 memorial at Ground Zero is giving them “dyspepsia” and “headaches”.
Yeah. Serious suspension, hahahahahahahahaha. Guess he’s back from his vacation now.
If I produced the drivel Zakaria does, I would WISH people would think it was plagiarized.
Once again, we see that dishonesty is no problem for the liberal media. Perhaps they will nominate the hack for a Pulitzer?
I think public shaming of CNN/Time really is the only option. Even telling them it is unacceptable won’t work (http://recordingofinterestingthings.blogspot.com/2012/08/unacceptable-cnn-and-time.html). I sure wonder how the lesser talent at CNN/Time now feels to know that they could’ve just been stealing ideas this whole time instead of working their butts off.
I think public shaming of CNN/Time really is the only option.
All 12 CNN/Time subscribers hardest hit.
Lucky he’s liberal; Jeff Jacoby was forced to sit out the 2000 election for a lesser offense.
Fareed Zakaria To Remain At Time, CNN Following Suspension For Plagiarism
…makes sense. An unethical lying scumbag like zakaria fits perfectly with those lowlife organizations. Why, if they were to do the right thing and fire him (THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN) he’d have to go to the ONLY socialist media place on Earth that’s lower and more despicable – the goracles’ current tv.
Lets be fair, its finally coming home that their boyfriend’s reelection chances are shrinking by the hour. The economy is awful (and it ain’t getting any better), the Israel/Iran thing is about to blow up (literally), the unions are tapped out from Wisconsin, and horror of horrors, this Paul Ryan character actually seems to know math.
They need all hands on deck if they’re gonna pull this thing out for SCOAMF.
Ethics enforcement is a club reserved for hammering conservatives. It is very poor form to trot it out for the “anointed good people” (as Jim Geraghty of NRO describes the left’s perception of itself).
I’m shocked it was a week!
Time-Warner CEO Jeffrey Bewkes needs to be held accountable for this.
By the way, he was paid 25,000,000 dollars last year:
I’m actually glad they let him back in so soon, before the image of him as malignant, dishonest clown could fade from memory.
Plagiarism in defense of liberalism is no vice.
After a long, protracted illness, 2012 is the year that journalism died.
Who knew journalistic plagiarism is now the equivalent of a NHL trip to the penalty box?
Plagiarism described as an “unintentional error” seems an impossibility, and yet, there it is.
Between Zakaria and Cornyn I’m going to have to counsel my children to publicly embrace leftism as insurance against unethical and criminal acts.
Who knows. After this they may give Zakaria a Pulitzer just for showing up at work.
Obama is in trouble! all hands on deck, unlock the brig.
Unfortunately, I am not that surprised. Disappointed, yes, but not surprised.
[…] One week later, Fareed Zakaria’s one-month plagiarism suspension revoked (legalinsurrection.com) […]