Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here.
Branco’s Facebook page is Freedom’s Battle .

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Heh heh heh!!
Love the cartoons!
A good cartoon speaks volumes!
Thank you!!
I love this! Fabulous addition to LI.
If you like his cartoons, be sure to tweet and FB share the link — or share/post elsewhere.
I’m sure members of the Romney/Ryan team and supporting PACs read LI, so, in light of the revelation that CBS’s 60 Minutes edited out Ryan’s reassuring, “My mom is a Medicare senior in Florida,” why doesn’t the R/R team cut a TV ad with Ryan and his mom and flood Florida’s TV channels with it from now until election day?
Son and mother could spoof the “Granny over the cliff” Mediscare ad.
I’d love to see a special donation fund set up to support this.
The best defense is a disarming mom on offense.
Thank you Janitor!!
Ooooo…that one hits hard. Nicely done, Branco, and thanks for adding him to our merry band here, Prof.
Thanks a bunch Creeper
[…] What we see is risible. We are told a flashback: Obama promised entitlement reform in 2008 debate, and in January 2009, too is just the ticket. Well guess what you fools the Obama SuperPac Priorities USA is just getting warmed up with Soptic Cancer Ad. The Obama campaign slogan after this weekend’s events is “No Dirt Left Behind.” […]
Keep digging Obama. You’re already in over your head and someday you’ll make it to China. Once there you’ll make a fine Maoist.
When there’s a big job to do, don’t send a boy to do a man’s job! ‘Cause he’ll choose a shovel that’s ill-suited for the job. Now, this is a shovel:
Normally I might say that this cartoon was a bit harsh, but not this time.
That cartoon says so much about the Obama campaign right now and the American economy. One big hole!
Looks like Obama is still digging himself out that hole.
Wow you certainly expect a lot of a businessman. If Wendy’s loses its franchise is the franchisee responsible for his employees & employees ‘family health years down the track. When does it end?
Do they need to pay for the funeral also?