Weiner links phone to facebook–sign of things to come?

Congressman Anthony Weiner may be taking steps to return the the political fray. The New York Post reports that the congressman is “desperate” to return to politics, and with a large campaign chest he has the money to do it.

The disgraced former congressman — who’s sitting on a $4.5 million campaign war chest — is mulling a bid for citywide office next year and “seriously considering” a mayoral run, multiple sources told The Post.The cocky pol is also open to the post of public advocate as a backup plan, said sources, who described the Queens Democrat as “desperate” to get back into politics.Weiner, 47, has even spoken to former staffers about going back to work for him, according to another source.

Perhaps even more telling, Weiner was discovered linking his mobile phone up to facebook:

While mayor isn’t off the table, the more attainable “public advocate” post, which garners a salary of around $165,000, seems more likely. It’s seems as though playing Mr. Mom in Queens will be a shortlived occupation for the former congressman.

Tags: Anthony Weiner