Nation of Islam can open a restaurant in Chicago, but not Chick-fil-A?

Even The Boston Globe has come out against the bullying of Chick-fil-A by Boston Mayor Thomas Menino because of the position of Chick-fil-A’s President and his father (the founder) on marriage:

The president of Chick-fil-A opposes gay marriage. While this view goes against the grain in a state that made history by embracing it, it’s no reason for Mayor Thomas M. Menino to oppose a Chick-fil-A restaurant in Boston….Chick-fil-A must follow all state and city laws. If the restaurant chain denied service to gay patrons or refused to hire gay employees, Menino’s outrage would be fitting. And the company should be held to its statement that it strives to “treat every person with honor, dignity and respect — regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation, or gender.” But beyond the fact that Chick-fil-A is closed on Sundays, the religious beliefs of the company’s top executive don’t appear to control its operations….Ironically, Menino is citing the specific location along the Freedom Trail as a reason to block Chick-fil-A. A city in which business owners must pass a political litmus test is the antithesis of what the Freedom Trail represents. History will render judgment on the views of Chick-fil-A executives. City Hall doesn’t have to.

Michael Graham (h/t DaTechGuy) points out that Menino’s litmus test doesn’t apply equally to all religious beliefs, Mayor Menino Donated Tax Dollars To “Homophobic” Group In Boston!:

This is the Islamic Society of Boston’s mosque in Boston’s Roxbury neighborhood, a.k.a. “Menino’s Mosque.Mayor Menino “sold” $2 million worth of city property to the ISB for $175,000, despite their well-documented links to Muslim extremism.  The mosque teaches a form of Islam that condemns homosexuals to death.And Menino won’t let a guy spend his own money opening a restaurant because he doesn’t support same-sex marriage? Hey, Mayor Moron—when we the last time Chick-Fil-A stoned a gay guy to death?

And Chicago!  Rahm Emanuel is backing an Alderman’s call to block Chick-fil-A:

Rahm Emanuel on Wednesday said he supports a Chicago alderman’s plan to block  the opening of a new Chick-fil-A location in the city because the president  opposes gay marriage….“They disrespect our fellow neighbors and residents,” Emanuel said. “This would  be a bad investment, since it would be empty.”Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy said in an interview published July 16 that he is “guilty as  charged” in support of “the biblical definition of the family unit.”“We are a family-owned business, a family-led business and we are married to  our first wives,” Cathy told Baptist Press.

Would this be the same Chicago which just permitted Louis Farrakan’s Nation of Islam to reopen a restaurant?

The jewel of 79th street is returning with the early July [2012] reopening of the Nation of Islam built Salaam restaurant.Calvin Hollins, the new executive director, said the $5 million Salaam restaurant will officially reopen for business July 6 and July 7. The reborn Salaam includes three restaurants under one roof: A bakery, the Crescent Café and Fine Dining. That means a choice of coffee and pastries, casual dining, or a special night on the town in the upstairs dining room.“I think anyone off the street who comes into this facility will find something palatable to their needs and their likes,” said Mr. Hollins.The facility is for everyone but springs from the mission of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and Nation of Islam and is rooted in the hallmarks of healthy eating, economic self-sufficiency and community building, said Mr. Hollins and executive assistant Carla X. “We are continuing to fulfill what the Hon. Elijah Muhammad established for us,” said Carla X, a Muslim in the Nation of Islam. “It’s not just a restaurant; it’s us doing for self.”

Here’s Louis Farrakhan’s position on marriage:

Minister Louis Farrakhan recently responded to President Obama’s endorsement of gay marriage calling him “the first president that sanctioned what the scriptures forbid,” according to a video posted by the Nation of Islam’s “official” news source, an address at the California Convention Center on Sunday, the Nation of Islam leader ridiculed the media for its portrayal of Obama after the announcement, and chastised politicians and clergy for hypocritically supporting gay marriage despite the fact that the Bible forbids it.

The Mayors of Boston and Chicago are bullies in the truest sense, they have selected what to them seems like a safe target for their outrage and abuse of government power.

Menino and Emanuel have selected evangelical Christians for their selective bullying knowing full well that in Boston and Chicago there will be no repercussions.  Yet they will not take on more powerful groups who espouse far worse views on homosexuality and gay marriage.

Tags: gay marriage, rahm emmanuel