that I post TaxProf’s quarterly law professor blog rankings merely for informational purposes.
External measures like blog traffic are not important to me.
No, I blog for the personal satisfaction of expressing my views to complete strangers who communicate with me using fake names.
That and that alone is enough to keep me going.
So for the record only, here are the rankings for the trailing 12 months ending March 31, 2012 (usual caveat that since Instapundit does not have a public Sitemeter, all rankings should move down one notch):

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Carry on Professor….you’re doing great!
Sorry that I can’t add to your “personal satisfaction of expressing my views to complete strangers who communicate with me using fake names” ’cause Joy really is my name 🙂
Fake names?
Why can’t people accept the fact my mother adored Paul Newman and named me after him? Kinda.
“Movin’ on up…!”
And you are SUCH a fibber…!!! Part of your charm, I’m sure.
And he’s modest about this ongoing achievement, too … which doesn’t really suit him. 🙂
Modesty doesn’t suit him, that is.
The achievement is well deserved. Congratulations, Professor!!
He’s justly proud of his humility.
Actually, he’s earned every bit of his successesssss.
Wow. Visitors is the telling stat, imo. Extremely impressive. And well-deserved.
Congratulations, you deserve it.
“I blog for the personal satisfaction of expressing my views to complete strangers who communicate with me using fake names.
That and that alone is enough to keep me going.”
LOLOL snort. Quote of the day. Thanks for the laugh. (It’s enough to keep me going, too.)
“I blog for the personal satisfaction of expressing my views to complete strangers who communicate with me using fake names.
That and that alone is enough to keep me going.”
And it resonates with your Cherokee ancestry.
Well done, Professor! Instapundit and Legal Insurrection are the only two legal blogs that I check (I won’t even follow links to the others listed except for Althouse).
“I blog for the personal satisfaction of expressing my views to complete strangers who communicate with me using fake names.”
The satisfaction of demonstrating that “a draconian new law” passed by one of the states actually mirrors Federal law has nothing to do with it.
Neither does being a key link in the chain of events that led to an admission by the Attorney General of the United States of America that he did not read and did not know the contents of the state law before filing suit against it.
So, do you do a snoopy dance of joy in the bathroom or somewhere else where no one can see?
Kudos to you, that is super news!
I smell chicanery! You was robbed, Prof.!
You’re number in in my book.
Like Joy, JoAnne is my real name! This blog has become my first read every morning – not a legal person at all but love the wisdom shown here both by Prof. Jacobson and his very smart, witty, and civil commenters!
Congratulation, Professor. And for the record, this is my real name, at least parts of it.
Prof J, you have a knack for finding a key issue, and drilling down to find new facts or a new way to look at the data.
You become the “go to” site for that issue.
You also have an excellent B/S detector, for example your refusal to explain away the recent Dread Pirate Roberts decision.
“Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” Just sayin’. (Meanwhile, keep on truckin’ just don’t develop an “impenetrable wall.”)
You mean Sanddog isn’t my real name? I guess that’s not my real picture in the avatar either.
And your cheekbones are awfully low.
“I blog for the personal satisfaction of expressing my views to complete strangers who communicate with me using fake names.”
Here it comes. He’s gonna demand Poster Photo ID Cards.
This is off topic but,
Really like your peaches, want to shake your tree.
Hope that brightens your day, HH.
Now, look in that mirror, stuff that push up bra with tissue, and say, “I’m beautiful just as I am!!”
Avast an away, pervert! I am bespokened!
I blame the fireworks!
Congratulations. Many happy returns!
You run a very good blog.
Hugh Hewitt lost me a long time ago. His “support the most electable Republican” approach gave California Arnold Whatzinator, a governor even worse than Gray Davis (no mean feat, that).
What modesty! Keep up the great work… you’re one of my favorites.
This fake name *hearts* you, Professor. Your exposed real identity, standing as a law professor, and able self-expression of facts and delicately brutal sarcasm brought to you first tier status.
I do not want to pay the price for that but I am free to tell the bastards what I really think without the nuance. To me, that freedom is priceless.
You’re my guy, after my husband, that is!
Seriously, you’re my “go to” place for good information. Congrats. Oh, and MAB is not my name, although I did enjoy Shakespeare, but those are my initials, so not all that fake.
“No, I blog for the personal satisfaction of expressing my views to complete strangers who communicate with me using fake names.”
My real name is worse than my screen name.
Every day, this blog is the first thing I do. Well, truthfully, I do get my coffee first.
The cream always rises to the top.
Via Instapundit. 25 real life names that will leave you happy with yours.
Curious if Hugh Hewitt’s drop coincides with his insane defense of Justice Roberts….
Way to go P’fessor! Thanks for doin’ what you do as well as you do it.
Oh, my real name is Rome Clay, born in Austin’s Colony, on good bottom land near the Brazos.
Uh-oh, I fergot sumthin’:
And …I was born, early on a frosty morn’…
Cooooooool. 😀
Hmmmm. I had made a post earlier – it went up properly, because I saw it – asking the Perfesser whether there was any correlation between LI’s uptick in visits and the onset of his Twitter account.
Uh oh, maybe I posted it on the wrong thread?
Yup, I sure did. In another thread. Disregard.
People on ludes should not post.
Oooooo… traaaaiiiiillllssssss…..
Those numbers are bull. We all know you’re number ONE, Professor!!!
I try to read Volokh sometimes but I have to get a funnel to put on my head & squeeze it into a point.
Ann Althouse voted for obama . I am all Madisoned out & cannot look at another twee coffee shop pic. However I have taken a keen interest in Scott Walker’s new stealth attack.
Yes the dreaded CO L L E G E R E F O R M. Now that s going to be fun- not only is he going to kneecap UW power but shot their legs off.
Of course I have laready laid out my recommendations on this blog. albeit to no ticks at all. Scotty reads LI too!
I always read your comments with interest; please continue commenting here.
Generally, unless reporting on Scott Walker vs union thug news, Althouse is too “girly” for me – and commenting there is virtually impossible.
Althouse gets that many visitors and views? I mean there nothing wrong with her site but I only visit when the Good Professor links to her…
I blog for the personal satisfaction of expressing my views to complete strangers who communicate with me using fake names.
First time I’ve laughed all day. (I should get out more.)
BTW, I have had my name legally changed to WarEagle82® and received a trademark on it. Anyone who has ever responded to me or used my name in another post will shortly receive notice from my solicitor indicating the royalties due.
Thanks and keep up the posts. I want to retire a bit earlier now…
Fake name? Guilty!!!! Your comment about blogging to those of us using fake names–priceless. It’s early in the am, now I have to go and find me some fake coffee….