Harry Reid is a charmer

And you wonder why nothing gets done in the Senate and Republicans can’t even get votes on legislation or a budget?

Via The Hill:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has launched a blistering verbal assault against William Magwood, a Democratic member of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission nominated by President Obama, calling him a “liar,” a “first-class rat,” and a “s**t-stirrer.”Reid, in an interview with The Huffington Post, also calls Magwood a “tool of the nuclear industry” and says he’s “unethical” and “incompetent.”Reid’s comments underscore the raw political emotions that have engulfed the NRC over the past year and have long surrounded battles over Yucca Mountain, the proposed nuclear waste dump in Nevada that Reid strongly opposes.In the interview, Reid alleged that Magwood lied by indicating in a private meeting with the majority leader he would back efforts to shut down the Yucca project.“That man I will never, ever forget what a treacherous, miserable liar he is,” Reid said. He also took aim at Magwood’s accusations against former NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko.

Tags: Harry Reid