Saturday Night Card Game (Worst race card playing commercial ever)

From Dr. Jack Kevorkian’s lawyer comes possibly the worst form of attorney advertising ever, a massive play of the race card designed to drum up business in the Detroit area. (h/t OcTEApi in Tip Line)

Did anyone question whether George Romney was qualified to be President?  Hello Geoffrey Fieger, come on down and meet the Google search box which easily pulled up this recent Reuters article:

In George Romney’s case, most of the questions were raised initially by Democrats who cited the Constitution’s requirement that only a “natural born citizen” can be president.As early as February 1967 – a year before the first 1968 presidential primary – some newspapers were raising questions as to whether George Romney’s place of birth disqualified him from the presidency.By May 1967, U.S. congressman Emmanuel Celler, a Democrat who chaired the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, was expressing “serious doubts” about George Romney’s eligibility.The next month, another Democratic congressman inserted a lengthy treatise into the Congressional Record in which a government lawyer – writing in a “personal capacity” – argued that George Romney was ineligible for the White House because he was born outside U.S. territory.

And also meet Legal Insurrection blog, which previously has discussed Chester Arthur:

Nearly 123 years after his death, doubts about his US citizenship linger, thanks to lack of documentation and a political foe’s assertion that Arthur was really born in Canada – and was therefore ineligible for the White House, where he served from 1881 to 1885….The focus on his place of birth became an issue in the 1880 presidential campaign, when Arthur was tapped to be the running mate for Garfield.According to historical accounts, Republican bosses wanted him to provide proof of his birthplace, but he never did.Democrats, meanwhile, hired a lawyer named Arthur Hinman who sought to discredit Arthur, alleging that he was born in Dunham, Quebec, about 47 miles north of Fairfield. Hinman traveled to Vermont and Canada to research Arthur’s past, eventually concluding that Arthur was born in Canada but appropriated the birth records of a baby brother who was born in Fairfield, but died as an infant.He later incorporated the findings into a book titled “How A British Subject Became President of the United States.’’

Hey Geoff, is the internet racist too? Or just history?

[spelling of Fieger’s first name corrected]

Tags: race card, Saturday Night Card Game