“Walk Down the Aisle with Barack” contest

The sickest thing about it is that when you read the headline, it didn’t surprise you in the least.  Such is the state of the Obama campaign.

With everyone talking about the bizarre Obama Event Registry, wherein people are asked to have wedding guests donate to Obama in lieu of the betrothed couple, anything is possible.

Brides who give up their wedding gifts to Obama will be entered in a contest to win a special Barack Bouquet so that Barack can walk you down the aisle.  (No, not really, but allow your imagination to roam in the age of Obama.)

He wants to be with you the whole way, because he cares that much.

Reader Patricia produced this announcement:

For more of what is possible, check out #ObamaFundraisingIdeas.

[Note:  I thought it was clear from the text of the post that this was just a parody.  From some of the comments I’m wondering whether this was clear enough.  Just a parody.  Just a parody.]

Tags: Obama campaign