I wanted to fill you in on the next phase of Legal Insurrection.
The next four and one-half months will be devoted to defeating Obama, taking back the Senate, holding the House, and hopefully doing all of that in a way which puts in place a Tea Party/conservative counterweight to prevent the Republican establishment from straying once back in power. Or worst case scenario, electing Republicans with a spine in case Obama is reelected.
But that’s the short term project.
The longer term project is to start building counterweights elsewhere in society. The Insurrections are coming.
Because most campuses are dominated by liberal adminstrators, faculty, and student activists, conservative/libertarian students often feel isolated and alone, and up against seemingly insurmountable forces which wield power over their lives.
For many students, the risk/reward ratio says to shut up and just go along so as not to be singled out and targeted.
In reality, they are not alone. They are the silenced majority. They are a youthful Army of Davids. They just don’t know it yet.
So the next project will be …
Col·lege In·sur·rec·tion
We will aggregate interesting and newsworthy articles and news reports from college conservative and libertarian publications around the country, and focus on the challenges conservative/libertarian students face on campus.
College Insurrection will be the place where conservative/libertarian students can find out what is going on with like-minded students on other campuses, and understand that they are the many, not the few, no matter what they are told.
There are some details to be worked out. The “definition” on the College Insurrection banner may or may not be as on the CI holding page now. And note that for now, the links and sidebar track back to LI, but that will change when we go live.
What is important is that I have given Ed the green light, and we are doing this.
We’re looking at a live date in about 6-7 weeks, in time for the return of students to campuses in August.
I’d welcome input from LI readers, particularly within the next two weeks.