Syrian rebels gaining upper hand?

With so much going on in the domestic political arena, it’s easy for attention to get distracted from the Iranian-Hezollah-Russian attempt to keep Bashar Assad in power.

Other than when there is a heavy one-day body count, Syria is not in the U.S. news media radar.

This analysis at The Jerusalem Post suggests the rebels are gaining the upper hand:

As the UN Supervision Mission in Syria ceases its activities, there are indications that the Syrian rebels are beginning to gain the upper hand against President Bashar Assad’s regime. The rebels have scored notable achievements  against government forces in recent days. There are corresponding signs of growing demoralization among regime troops, and among those sections of the  population still supporting Assad.The advantage in the civil war in Syria has ebbed and flowed. The rebels began to establish “liberated zones” in  parts of the country around last October. In late February, the regime launched  a determined, bloody counterattack to reconquer these areas, and largely achieved this in time for the “cease-fire” of April 10. With the cease-fire now  in tatters, the indications are that the momentum of the insurgency has picked up again, and is now driving forward against the regime’s forces.

There’s more analysis at the link.

Tags: Iran, Russia, Syria