Obama invokes Executive Privilege after long stall by Holder

I’m playing catch up on this, because I had to attend to some things this morning (let the conspiracy theories begin!).

At the request of Eric Holder and the Justice Department, Obama invoked Executive Privilege to shield documents the House committee investigating Fast and Furious has been seeking for over a year.

It’s the old one-two stall.

First Holder pretends he will cooperate, but doesn’t.  Then he stalls with negotiations.  Then he stalls some more by promising to cooperate again, but doesn’t.  Then, when his back is up against the wall because a vote is scheduled to hold him in contempt, he runs to Obama for some legal protection, which will result in the matter being thrown into the courts for more delay.

As with most things damaging to Obama, all they care about is pushing the bad news off until after the election.

What all this means, of course, is that Holder has been withholding documents responsive to the House subpoena which have not been turned over.  So he has not complied with the House subpoena, since it only was today that he obtained the protection of an Executive Privilege claim from the White House.

Darrell Issa and his Republican committee members deserve a medal.  Keep pushing.

Tags: Eric Holder