Hit the Fed’s tip jar

From a reader known to me but who asked to stay anonymous:

Not even sure what kind of subject line to give this one:One of the pieces of our business involves providing media research to the general public. We strive to provide a very affordable service using the latest toys and technology… not an easy trick.Last week, we got a request from the local branch of the Federal Reserve to review and document a recent PR event they held. I quoted them a total price under $250 including delivery and sent them the work order for approval. We finally heard back this morning. They cancelled the order – “They just can’t afford it right now”.Don’t get me wrong – I completely understand and respect a client that is conscientious about observing a budget, but when the Federal Reserve tells you they can’t afford something it’s time to start worrying.You’re welcome to use that story – please withhold name and city – several of my clients read your blog!And I’ve got to get back to work – I have a $250 shortfall in this week’s budget to make up before the end of the day.