Liz Cheney eyeing Wyoming political future?

Politico reports that Liz Cheney’s increased presence in Wyoming has caused some to wonder about her future political future plans there:

With little fanfare, Cheney, a former State Department official and the eldest daughter of the former vice president, has spoken at six events in different corners of the sprawling state this year. She has been especially busy on the GOP dinner circuit. Cheney has already hit four county Lincoln Day Dinners and keynoted the dinner following the Wyoming GOP convention last month. She also accompanied and appeared on stage with her father when he made his first public appearance following his heart transplant at the state convention.

With the first of her five children heading off to college this fall, Cheney may be laying the groundwork for a future with more time to spare.

While Liz Cheney has remained mum on the prospect of following in her father’s footsteps, others say her actions point otherwise. Politico quotes Shawn Whitman of Wyoming:

She’s running up a lot of asphalt…. This is planting seeds of thought in people’s minds. There’s nobody I know that goes to those events unless they have a position in the party or they’re trying to run for office.

Were Liz to pack her bags and move from her current residence in McLean, Va., to Wyoming she’d be picking one of the more promising states to do it in.

According to the 2012 ALEC-Laffer State Economic Competitiveness Index, Wyoming is first in the country in terms of Economic Performance. In terms of Economic Outlook, it is number four.

Tags: Liz Cheney