Kimberlin-Walker court hearing — what happened

David Hogberg of IBD was in the courtroom today, and his account shows a judge with a misunderstanding of how the internet — particularly Google Alerts — works, and a defendant (Walker) who never should have represented himself.

Here is an excerpt, read the whole thing:

This was the second peace order that Kimberlin has filed against Walker, demanding that Walker cease any contact with Kimberlin. In it, Kimberlin claims that Walker has “continually harassed” him with “alarming posts, tweets, alerts that arrive in my email box, which I consider threats to me personally and to my business.” Kimberlin came to court with pages upon pages of threatening emails and tweets that he claimed had resulted from Walker’s blog posts about him. None of them, though, were sent by Walker.While talking with Kimberlin and his associate Neal Rauhauser, a woman who was a victim’s assistant [my note — see that, Kimberlin knew how to position himself as the victim, so he gets court-paid assistance] for Kimberlin came out of the courtroom and said that Walker had been led away in handcuffs.Here’s what seems to have happened. Although Kimberlin’s first peace order against Walker was eventually thrown out on appeal, it appears that while it was in effect Walker wrote a blog post about Kimberlin. This triggered a Google Alert that Kimberlin had set up. Kimberlin filed criminal charges based on that, apparently claiming that constituted “contact.” The court apparently agreed, and Walker was arrested.As for why the judge ruled in favor of Kimberlin’s peace order, that’s easier to explain. First, Walker was clearly stressed and high-strung in court, and alienated Judge C.J. Vaughey. He repeatedly interrupted Vaughey, and by the end of the roughly 45-minute hearing Vaughey was clearly annoyed.

Folks, this is how agitators do it.  They agitate you, and then when you react, you are in trouble.  I hope Aaron gets an attorney to overturn this travesty, and to reposition the case so that the true victim gets a court assistant.


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