How does Cruz win over some Dewhurst supporters

Despite being vastly outspent and having the Republican establishment in Texas against him, Ted Cruz lost to David Dewhurst by only 10 points.  That’s a far closer match-up than most polls were predicting.  Just a couple of months ago Dewhurst was up by a factor of 2-3 times the ultimate margin.

That’s an indication that Cruz has momentum.

The bad news for Cruz is that Dewhurst still received 44.5% of the vote.  Assuming that everyone who voted for Dewhurst stays with Dewhurst, how does Cruz prevent Dewhurst from winning when Dewhurst needs only 6% of the 21% (rounded) who did not vote for Cruz or Dewhurst.  Will those uncommitted voters break more than 2-1 for Cruz?

Turnout may be a factor in a run-off election.  But it’s hard to see how just a better turnout by Cruz supporters can keep Dewhurst from 50% plus 1.

So Cruz needs to win over some Dewhurst supporters.

I have a feeling more local knowledge than I have is needed on this one.  So how does Cruz win?