Hearing was extremely short.
Court noted that a two page affidavit of probable cause was filed. Court finds probable cause exists at this stage. Court notes that all further proceedings will be in Circuit Court. Sets May 29th, 1:30, probable cause hearing in Circuit Court.
Judge says will make public probable cause affidavit.
Defense counsel (O’Mara) asks for remainder of record to be sealed because of concerns over witness identification, addresses, and personal information. Prosecution agreed.
Does not appear that there was any request for release pending the next court hearing.
LIVE Feed terminated. Images below, I’ll post video when available.
Update: The Orlando Sentinel obtained the Affidavit of Probable Cause, but I’ve not been able to find a copy online. (Update – here’s the affidavit) Here’s the Sentinel report:
Meanwhile, a probable cause affidavit filed in the second-degree murder case failed to disclose much new evidence.The four-page affidavit did, however, does offer a few new pieces of information. It says, that “Zimmerman confronted Martin,” an apparent contradiction of Zimmerman’s version of the events.It also says Trayvon’s mother identified the screams for help heard in a 911 call as those of her son. It also reveals that investigators interviewed a “friend” of Trayvon’s who talked to him on the phone in the leadup to the shooting.Based on the description, it appears the friend was the girl described by Martin family attorneys as his girlfriend.”During this time, Martin was on the phone with a friend and described to her what was happening,” the affidavit said. “The witness advised that Martin was scared because he was being followed through the complex by an unknown male and didn’t know why.”Martin tried to run home, the affidavit says, but was followed by Zimmerman. “Zimmerman got out of his vehicle and followed Martin.”The affidavit goes on to say that “Zimmerman disregarded the police dispatcher” who told him to stop, and “continued to follow Martin who was trying to return to his home.”Zimmerman, the affidavit says, “confronted Martin and a struggle ensued.”According to the affidavit: “Trayvon Martin’s mother has reviewed the 911 calls and identified the voice crying for help as Trayvon Martin’s. Zimmerman shot Martin in the chest.”