Political calculations from the left prove they need a new calculator. And other news from the day

The big news of the day is obviously Rick Santorum’s decision to suspend his Presidential campaign following his 3-year old daughter’s most recent bout with pneumonia which landed her in the hospital over the weekend. This sudden turn of events brings two big questions on everyone’s mind: Where will Santorum supporters go, and will he ultimately make an endorsement?

While everyone is left to ponder that, there have been other goings on in the political arena today.

Zimmerman’s lawyers withdraw from case after Zimmerman reportedly contacted the special prosecutor.

The “Buffet Rule” is clearly nothing more than a political calculation by the Obama Administration. Its effect on the national deficit is almost non-existent.

Oops… The Affordable Care Act isn’t so affordable.

Have Newt and Romney discussed the possibility of teaming up, or is Newt looking for the nearest tattoo parlor? (After the day’s events, I’d put my money on the tattoo parlor)

Conservative women are tired of the left’s manufactured “right-wing war on women.” Several female groups have fired back with videos aimed at setting the record straight.


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