Don Surber is giving up blogging:
After 7 years of blogging, I am quitting. I am exhausted. It was simply too much work. I am still employed by the Charleston Daily Mail and still writing editorial and columns and performing the sundry other tasks that go with any job.Blogging was something extra. I loved blogging because I came in contact with readers directly. But over the past few months I realized I cannot continue doing both. I ain’t Superman.I will miss you all and I appreciate the support from those who have emailed me.
Don has been one of the leading lights in blogging, so it’s sad to see him go.
I understand it. I really do.
I often joke about blogger burnout, but it’s a diagnosed condition for a reason.
The feeling that your blog is all that stands between the Great Mainstream Media-Nutroots Conspiracy and the abyss can create imagined pressure.
If only I could do one more post about XYZ it would change everything. Damn it, no one is listening to me!
Independent conservative bloggers are a dying breed, I’m sorry to say. They either burnout, or they join an established website.
Yet the walls still have to be guarded by independent bloggers who bear a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom, and while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, you want us on that wall, you need us on that wall.
Thank you for your service, Don.
Update 4-29-2012: Prof. Reynolds has not given up yet, thankfully, because his spreading around the linkage is what keeps a lot of people going. Pat Austin has a partial body count.