Not equal opportunity mockers

Hollywood constantly has its thumb on the political scale.

Whether it’s late night talk show hosts, SNL, or sitcoms, the political pressure always heads in one direction:

Sunday’s episode of “Mad Men” — the popular drama about an ad agency in the 1960s — gave a nod to the current political scene, with one character taking a not-so-subtle jab at the father of 2012 Republican front-runner Mitt Romney.Character Henry Francis, a Republican political aide who had worked for New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller in previous seasons, is shown fielding a request for his new boss — strongly hinted to be New York City Mayor John Lindsay — to travel to Michigan to appear with then-Gov. George Romney.

“Well, tell Jim his honor’s not going to Michigan. Because Romney’s a clown and I don’t want him standing next to him,” Francis responds.

I can’t wait for the episode where they mock Obama’s father.

Tags: Media Bias