Liberal female pundits belittling Ann Romney have disqualified themselves, too

Put aside, for the moment, the snotty and snide aspect of Hilary Rosen’s comment that Ann Romney “never worked a day in her life.”

Put aside, for the moment, the psychological need of liberal female pundits to belittle a woman who chose a different path in life, while the person whom they belittle has no commensurate need to belittle the life choice of the liberal female pundits.

Put aside, for the moment, that the liberal female pundits belittling Ann Romney for having lived in an economically privileged position also live an economically privileged life.

Put aside, for the moment, all of the irony and hypocrisy.

On what logical basis do these pundits assert that only a woman who has struggled economically in life is qualified to speak about economic issues affecting women?

Now let’s not put aside the ironies and hypocrisy.

If a life of economic struggle is a prerequisite for a woman to speak about economic issues affecting women, then aren’t many if not most of the liberal female pundits belittling Ann Romney disqualified from the discussion, too?

Tags: Ann Romney