Gloom and doom at chances of defeating Scott Walker

or a way to motivate the opposition to Walker?

You be the judge.  The argument is that anti-Walker forces, particularly the younger newer voters, just aren’t motivated.

From Wade Rathke, founder of ACORN, Huge Obstacles to Beating Scott Walker in Wisconsin Recall:

The life-and-death struggle in Wisconsin to turn back the radical and sweeping rightwing program of Governor Scott Walker being waged by progressive forces is entering another set of critical challenges…The Democratic primary is generating very little interest it seems and Walker has already spent millions with a huge bank account raised in readiness assiduously around the country as progressives and unions were mounting the recall petition campaign against him.   My casual observation about the invisibility of the campaign concretized as part of the mountain campaigners are trying to climb to arouse interest in the campaign.I sat through an earnest and fascinating meeting at the Blatz Brewery building where Caroline Murray, organizing director for Van Jones’ Rebuild the Dream and veteran community organizer and friend, was meeting with union representatives, the League of Young Voters, community-based organizations connected with the Gamaliel network, Wisconsin Citizen Action, and Voces de Frontera and various DJ’s, artists, and others connected to the Milwaukee community, to try and figure out an event between the primary and the general election that might motivate “millennial” young voters to actually connect with the importance of getting out to vote by combining art, culture, and politics.  There was lots of head shaking assent about the importance of motivating these newer voters and a willingness to try new things, but skepticism on the level of buy-in from the community and whether the impact would be equal to the effort.

Such gloom is consistent with recent polling showing Walker in a solid — but not safe — position versus each of his two most likely opponents.

Keep in mind that the June 5 election is after the end of the semester in Wisconsin public universities, so the hordes of student voters in Madison will not arrive this time like they did for the Prosser-Kloppenburg election (and even then it fell short).


Tags: Wisconsin