What would Teddy say if Obamacare goes down?

I’m not predicting that the mandate or the entirety of Obamacare will go down at the Supreme Court.  But based on the oral arguments, those who support the law are in a state of panic.

Digging back into Memeorandum from March 23, 2010, when Obamacare was signed into law, is like opening a time capsule of an earlier civilization which somehow did not survive.

In that time capsule was a story about a note Patrick Kennedy left at Ted Kennedy’s grave:

The late senator’s widow, Victoria Reggie Kennedy, spent hours Sunday at the simple white cross at Arlington National Cemetery marking where her husband was laid to rest only seven months ago. Ted Kennedy’s youngest son, Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy (D-R.I.), visited on Monday morning and left a hand-written note that read: “Dad, the unfinished business is done.” …Kennedy’s legacy was not lost on anyone who filled the East Room of the White House for Obama’s bill-signing ceremony. Members of Congress wore blue “TedStrong” wristbands in his honor and posed for pictures with Patrick Kennedy. Caroline Kennedy, the senator’s niece, sat in the front row, with other members of the storied family. Vicki Kennedy walked into the room with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.).Obama received a thunderous applause when he evoked the ghost of Ted Kennedy near the climax of his speech.”I remember seeing Ted walk through that door in a summit in this room a year ago, one of his last public appearances, and it was hard for him to make it, but he was confident that we would do the right thing,” Obama said.When Obama sat to sign the bill, Patrick and Vicki Kennedy stood behind him. Finally, Ted Kennedy’s dream became the law of the land.

Finishing Teddy Kennedy’s dream became Democrats’ political nightmare.

I wonder what Teddy would say about a court which gave meaning to the federalism embodied in our Constitution and placed some limiting principle on the expansion of federal power.

Actually, we have a good idea what Teddy would say, from another time capsule from an even earlier civilization:


Tags: Constitution, Health Care, kennedy, US Supreme Court