81% Reporting:
Santorum: 50%, Romney: 26%, Gingrich: 16%, Paul: 6%
With 10% Reporting, Fox News has now called the primary for Rick Santorum as well. Here are the results so far:
Santorum: 42%, Romney: 30%, Gingrich: 20%, and Paul: 5%
Its not clear yet, but it appears that Gingrich will not be able to meet the requisite 25% of the vote in order to be included in the sharing of delegates.
BREAKING: CNN projects that Rick Santorum wins Louisiana. More results to follow.
The polls are scheduled to close in Louisiana in about 30 minutes, and updates will be posted here as the results come in. Early tallies of poll traffic appear to indicate a low voter turnout for today’s contest where 20 of the state’s 46 total delegates are at stake. The remaining delegates are awarded at a state convention in June. In order to be eligible to secure any delegates tonight, the candidate must receive at least 25% of the vote.
Exit Polls indicate that the economy remained the top issue on the minds of voters. Additionally, about two-thirds of those who cast their vote today were “strongly committed” to their candidate. Only 3 out of 10 voters surveyed wanted to see the race come to a quick end, while the rest wanted to see their candidate of choice soldier on to secure the nomination, even if it means that the primary contest will continue on for months.