Gas pump Post-It revolt reignites

From reader Tim, who writes:

Was on pump in Wilmington NC earlier this week.Looks like

No new oil from anwr, east coast, the gulf. No pipeline from Canada$4 galThanks Obama voters

I can’t imagine that signs like that aren’t popping up all across America.

Looks like Tim is  right, these are popping up all over the country:

Prompted by social media, some people are now affixing Post-It notes to the gas pump when they fill up, with messages like this one reminding anyone who reads it just how much the cost of gasoline has skyrocketed since Obama became president.It remains to be seen if that effort will truly gather steam. But if it does, it could be a game-changer in the campaign.

Unlike the astroturfing Media Matters Twitterers who make a small number of people seem like a mass movement because they can hit a “send” button all day long, this is one-at-a-time, hand-to-pump combat.

Here’s some good advice:

Have fun.  Put a sharpie and some Post It notes in your car and go to town.

Update 3-29-2012: Reader Barbara sends along the following image of a Post-It she places on store shelves and “on the pump every time I gas up”:

Tags: Bumper Stickers, Energy