The Legal Insurrection Daily

I’ve just added a feature I think you will enjoy, The Legal Insurrection Daily.

As you know, I use Twitter a great deal for the most up to date news, to interact with other bloggers, and to promote LI.  I have over 4100 followers on Twitter, but I also know that many blog readers do not use Twitter.

Using the service, The LI Daily pulls stories based on my Twitter usage.  So it is a great way for blog readers to get a sample of what I am linking to on Twitter, what the people I follow are doing, and top stories from the hashtags I use most (#tcot, #teaparty).

The LI Daily functions much like the Blogs I Read in the sidebar, except it pulls not just from blogs but from news sources as well.

You do not need to leave the blog to view The LI Daily, just go to the newly created Focus Page, but you could separately subscribe to the paper if you wanted to.

The LI Daily updates once a day, at 8:00 a.m. Eastern.

Let me know what you think.

Note:  You will need javascript enabled to view the LI Daily page.

Tags: Blogging