Santorum courts Obama-Big Labor Democrats with Robocalls

Rick Santorum is running robocalls in Michigan urging Democrats to vote in the Republican primary for Santorum and against Romney because … wait for it … Romney opposed Obama’s auto industry bailout but supported the Wall Street bailout.

Got it? The great conservative hope is attacking a Republican for not supporting the auto industry bailout, and is encouraging pro-bailout Democrats to help put him over the top in the Republican primary.

Where is all the outrage from conservative supporters of Santorum, who lashed out at Newt for criticizing Bain?

Instead, almost everyone is focused on Romney’s whining about the robocalls, which is ridiculous considering Romney’s underhanded tactics against Newt.

This is not an attempt to attract Reagan Democrats, it’s an attempt to attract Obama-Big Labor Democrats who never will vote for a Republican in the general election.

Here’s the recording.

Update:  Guy Benson:

Thought experiment: Let’s say that exact same spot reversed the names and ended with the words, “paid for by Mitt Romney for President.”  I’d imagine the truuuuuue conservative set would be experiencing coniption fits of rage, and justifiably so.  For the last few cycles, the Republican mantra has been some variation of, “we can’t allow liberals to choose our nominee.”  Here we have a Republican candidate for president — the guy who’s built his entire campaign around the idea that he’s the authentic, courageous conservative — explicitly appealing to liberals and asking them to cross into the GOP primary to swing the results.

Tags: 2012 Republican Primaries, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum