Moranne Amit

I’m beginning to like The Legal Insurrection Daily, which automatically pulls blog and news items based on my Twitter feed and those I follow on Twitter.

The LI Daily pulls stories I sometimes have not noticed, like this one from the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, recalling the 10th Anniversary of the stabbing death of Moranne Amit:

Feb 8, 2002 – Moranne Amit, 25, of Kibbutz Kfar Hanasi was stabbed to death by four Palestinians, aged 14 to 16, while strolling in the Peace Forest, below the Sherover Promenade in Jerusalem’s Armon Hanatziv neighborhood Friday afternoon.

Moranne Amit, a second year law student at Haifa University, was strolling with her boyfriend Gili Nov, a Jerusalem lawyer, when they were attacked by the group of four youths. She tried to flee, while her boyfriend ran to call for help. Police began an immediate search for Amit but found her only some 40 minutes later. She was taken to Hadassah Hospital, where she later died of her wounds….

Moranne Amit was buried in Kibbutz Kfar Hanasi. She is survived by her parents and two brothers, Yotam and Nadav, as well as a younger sister, Mali.

While on the topic of Israel, be sure to check out How many Israelis will flee? at Israel Matzav:

In the run-up to the 1967 Six Day War, there was so much fear for Israel’s existence that thousands of body bags were prepared. In the few yeshivas that had foreign students at the time, many of the students were summoned home by their parents out of fear for their lives. I am told that after the war ended and the foreign students returned, they were ostracized by their Israeli counterparts, until the Roshei Yeshiva (yeshiva heads) stepped in and said that the boys could not be accused of a lack of faith – they were obeying their parents.With a war with Iran seemingly looming on the horizon, foreign embassies here are gearing up for the possibility that those Israelis who have dual citizenship could seek to leave – at least temporarily.

Tags: Israel, Terrorism