Fast and Furious, and what 2010 meant

While many of us (and I’ll plead guilty as well) have been preoccupied with the primaries, and today with the Mitt and Donald Show, very important hearings were held today on the Fast and Furious scandal.

If you don’t think it’s critical to control the House, imagine how this would be buried if Nancy Pelosi still were Speaker.

And if you don’t think it’s important not only to control the House but to do so with members who are willing to fight, consider the performance of first-term upstate New York Congresswoman Ann Marie Buerkle who defeated incumbant Democrat Dan Maffei in 2010:

It is worth mentioning that Buerkle’s candidacy was helped by a number of small bloggers, particularly Sam Foster of The Lonely Conservative, and others like Robert Stacy McCain and Pete “DaTechGuy” Ingemi (who both stopped by my house in Ithaca on their way to cover the race).  Maffei is going to try to unseat Buerkle and it is a target race for Democrats.  You can support Buerkle here.

The story of today’s hearings and the status of the investigation is covered in depth by Michelle Malkin, The Daily Caller, Verum Serum, and Nice Deb, among other places.