% Reporting: 99
Gingrich: 40.4
Romney: 27.9
Santorum: 17
Paul: 13
Live results pages: SC Election Comm., Politico, Google, Associated Press.
Videos of speeches at ElectAd.
Fox News confirms that Jeb Bush now plans to “stay neutral” — of coures, he may jump in at convention if things fall apart and if not, isn’t going to risk a Nikki Haley failure
Hmmm …. Gingrich won women by 38-19 percent over Romney, 41 percent support among married women
Off topic: Joe Paterno taken off respirator, near death – UPDATE: Joe Paterno has died.
Newt running Knockout Punch Money Bomb
Santorum say he’s in it for the long run.
Fox News projects Santorum 3rd.
“another winner tonight? Sarah Palin. she wanted the race to go on, she gets her wish”
Ed Rollins on Fox – Republican establishment is going to “go to war” on Newt for next 2-3 weeks.
Fox News just called race for Newt – just after polls close
Scalia: Don’t like super-PAC ads? Turn off the TV
“SC exit polling we’ve seen so far predicts big victory night for Newt”
Here’s some preliminary exit poll info:
Sixty-four percent said the debates were an important factor for them; just 34 percent said they were not…. A majority of voters – 53 percent – said they made up their mind about who to back within the last few days….South Carolina voters overwhelmingly cited the economy as the most important issue, with 61 percent citing it….Forty-five percent say it’s most important that they have a candidate who can defeat Barack Obama in a general election, while 21 percent are most concerned someone with the right experience, 17 percent they have strong character, and 14 percent they are a true conservative. Asked which candidate ran the most unfair campaign, 30 percent pointed to Romney, 26 percent to Gingrich and 14 percent to Paul.