89% Reporting
Romney 39.1%
Paul 23
Huntsman 16.9
Gingrich 9.5
Santorum 9.4
Interesting: Gingrich was the target of 96% of negative super PAC spending between Iowa and N.H. But Newt’s the angry nasty one, rights?
Romney’s argument on electability was an important factor with voters.
Romney is on target to get about same number of votes as in 2008, but higher % because of lower turnout.
Turnout well below 2008 — another sign of what happens when there is no inspirational front runner. (Maybe not, other report says just above 2008)
Well, I was right that Santorum had no staying power and would fade after Iowa, making an Iowa vote for Santorum a vote for Romney.
Romney victory speech took a dig, but not by name, at those criticizing his Bain years — a big mistake and very petty. He essentially says that anyone who questions Bain wants to put free enterprise on trial and resents his success — and I resent him saying that (emphasis mine):
President Obama wants to put free enterprise on trial. In the last few days, we have seen some desperate Republicans join forces with him. This is such a mistake for our Party and for our nation. This country already has a leader who divides us with the bitter politics of envy. We must offer an alternative vision. I stand ready to lead us down a different path, where we are lifted up by our desire to succeed, not dragged down by a resentment of success. In these difficult times, we cannot abandon the core values that define us as unique — We are One Nation, Under God.
51% of Huntsman voters are satisfied with Obama, presumably independents crossing over or an “Operation Chaos”
Only 48% of voters in primary consider themselves “Republican”
Fox called race at 8:00 p.m., projecting Paul 2, Huntsman 3, Newt/Santorum close for 4th
Having trouble finding an embeddable results form, so I may have to do it mostly manually.
So the polls have closed in many places and all will close by 8 p.m. An early call of the race for Romney is expected. The big questions are does he beat his 31.6% from 2008 and if so by how much, and how close are the others.