It’s hard to be shocked at anything anti-Scott Walker protesters do anymore given Wisconsin’s Long Strange Trip.
So as much as I want to be shocked at anti-Walker protesters greeting the Governor with a Nazi salute at a Christmas Tree lighting ceremony at the State Capitol Rotunda (via Big Gov’t, h/t Weasel Zippers, @SissyWillis), I’m not really surprised.
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They are declaring their union with most of the eternally-aggrieved, pagan, immoral, self-centered, violent Socialist thugs; what salute is more appropriate for them to declare their own character while being rude and threatening to others?
Given their cameras and self-identifying salutes, they also appear to be aspiring mainstream journalists.
Would it be more shocking to know this? “On Sunday, the Green Bay Press-Gazette put a link on its Facebook page to an Associated Press story detailing state aid cuts to organizations that help victims of sexual abuse. After that story was posted, a reader left a comment expressing outrage that the state would cut such aid and asserted that perhaps Governor Scott Walker’s wife or children should become victims of sexual assault so the governor could see the how devastating the state aid cuts really are.”
I stand with Governor Walker.
There is no bottom to the slime pit from which these “people” emerged.
Liberals consistently set new standards for low, then fail to reach them.