Post-Cain Stuff

In the wake of Herman Cain’s suspension of his campaign, lots of movement:

Completely off topic, this headline at Instapundit (Legless Man Denied Wheelchair) reminded me of the best headline ever.

Update:  Byron York, The insider-outsider divide over Newt Gingrich:

There’s a deep and growing divide in the Republican world between those who are able to reconcile themselves with — to wrap their heads around — the possibility of Newt Gingrich becoming the GOP presidential nominee, and those who are not.  It’s becoming increasingly clear that it is Washington insiders who are having the most trouble imagining a Gingrich nomination, while Republicans outside Washington aren’t having a problem.

The insiders — Tom Coburn, Peter King, Guy Molinari — complain about slights to them by Newt, while the outsiders remember the triumph of the Contract with America, balanced budgets, welfare reform, the end of big government as we know it. So Newt is an infighter and tought as nails — good.  Bruised egos need not apply.  See post earlier today, “Gingrich may be a lightning rod, but he also embodies the revolution like no one else”.

Some more views:

Tags: 2012 Republican Primaries