Brilliant. Healer. Reformer. Magnanimous.
Words routinely used to describe Barack Obama, all of which have no basis in history, as documented by Victor Davis Hanson:
Barack Obama is a myth, our modern version of Pecos Bill or Paul Bunyan. What we were told is true, never had much basis in fact — a fact now increasingly clear as hype gives way to reality.
There is much to like in Hanson’s article, including this on the “healer”:
The binding up our wounds myth had no basis in reality, but was constructed on the notion (to channel the racially condescending Harry Reid and Joe Biden) that a charismatic and young postracial rhetorician seemed so non-threatening. The logic was that Obama took a train from Springfield to DC; so did Lincoln; presto, both were like healers. The truth? The Obamites — Jarrett, Axelrod, Emanuel, etc. — were hard-core partisan dividers, who had a history of demonizing enemies, suing to eliminate opponents, and leaking divorce records, in addition to the usual Chicago campaign protocols.
Some saw it coming prior to the election, like this little known pundit:
Barack Obama also is the deep thinker who ponders great things. And the thing that Barack Obama seems to ponder most is his own greatness. He doesn’t write biographies, he writes only autobiographies. He gives speeches which he declares to be historic. He recognizes his place in history long before he has created history. This nation is but a stage upon which Barack Obama creates his life story, and it’s all about him….
Yet what great achievement has Barack Obama obtained other than his own political advancement? What historic law did he author, what historic court case did he argue, what historic battle did he fight, what cause greater than himself warranted more than a passing interest in his historic life?
And this:
Obama may be a post-racial healer, or he may be someone who carefully uses race and false accusations of racism to advance his political career. Obama may not have known about Jeremiah Wright’s political race-baiting, or he may have known but not cared. Obama may be someone who views this country as inherently good, or he may secretly share the views of his political enabler, William Ayers, that this country is inherently bad. We may know Obama better than Jeremiah Wright and William Ayers know Obama, or we may not know Obama at all.
Phonyetics: The study and classification of Obama’s achievements.
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.. but, but … Obama was a healer.
There was the “Beer Summit” to heal the wounds when Obama “acted stupidly.”
The idea that Obama’s church was hidden so far into the primary schedule is still the most outrageous thing about his nomination. And to think so many GOP establishmentariats came out in support of this media creation is truly frightening.
Im only 34. So, God willing, Ive got many more presidents ahead of me. But, I cannot fathom ever disliking a president more than I dislike Obama.
I remember when the Obots were gushing about Obama’s mad skillz at “bringing people together” and similar stuff.
I asked for specific examples of where he had done that.
It’s been four years now. Still waiting.
Obama always talked about “getting people together in a room” but he never said what would happen after the door closed.
had just finished reading that Hanson article, excellent article.
“Obama may not have known about Jeremiah Wright’s political race-baiting, or he may have known but not cared.”
It is important to remember that Obama fobbed off the complaints about Wright until Wright complained that Obama was distancing himself from Wright.
I recall just everyone, independents, democrats and conservatives lauding Obama’s groundbreaking racial healing speech.
They must not have remembered the part where he says “and then he disrespected me.” Everything was ok until Wright got upset with Obama.
Did Obama even really attack Wright for his rhetoric?
The only reason BO joined Wright’s church ( I use the word loosely), was for political purposes. He said as much in an interview in The ChicagonSun Times before the election. He knew he had to make contacts in the community and what better place than at church? When I read that, the cynicism of that comment, the self-serving purpose of that comment, it made me sick. This guy has never been anything more than looking out for number one.
I saw an old interview before the election where Obama described Jesus Christ as “an important historical figure.”
No right thinking Christians leads with “important historical figure” when talking about Jesus Christ, so I knew that his religion was something that he wore like a coat; taking it off when it got in the way, putting it on when it would impress.
“The only reason BO joined Wright’s church ( I use the word loosely), was for political purposes.”
I agree. However, it is of course coincidental that Obama and Wright share the same ideological leanings.
Barry Soetero is a big fat lying idiot.
There, I summarized the entire article. 🙂
In the meantime, opposition to Obama is softening (seems his approvals go up the less people see of him – i.e., on vacation). For the first time since June, the gap between Approval & Disapproval is almost 0:
President Obama Job Approval at RealClearPolitics
Obama may be someone who views this country as inherently good, or he may secretly share the views of his political enabler, William Ayers, that this country is inherently bad.
Or at least he could study Shakespeare so he’d know that it’s a combination of both, which is exactly how WS portrayed his heroes and villains.
You know: like REAL life.
“little known pundit”
Gosh, I’da’ guess you at average height.
It’s quite maddening when you look at the Emperor and see he’s wearing not so much as a threadbare thong, yet your supposedly sophisticated lefty betters simultaneously see him decked out in Carnaby Street’s finest.
“It’s quite maddening when you look at the Emperor and see he’s wearing not so much as a threadbare thong” What do you expect from someone who was born in Hawaii, and was fathered by a Kenyan.
1. “This nation is but a stage upon which Barack Obama creates his life story, and it’s all about him….”
Yep. So:
“Obama may be someone who views this country as inherently good, or he may secretly share the views of his political enabler, William Ayers, that this country is inherently bad, or he may not care.”
Amended in italics.
2. For all that, Obama is a symptom, not the disease. Look at the condition of the GOP and especially the behavior of the party’s Establishment. Look at the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Obama.
That Obama was a nothing, a frontman, a cypher, and an incompetent poseur seemed so obvious from the beginning that it’s literally painful to me.
The press wrote a screen play. Hollywood salivated. Have Americans lost the ability to tell the difference between fact and fiction? They watch “reality” TV, assume infotainers such as Dr. Phil utter trustworthy opinions, think Jon Stewart is a journalist, listen to nincompoops opining on “news” shows, believe faux science headlines. Now it’s Romney media. Happy New Year.
So this Obama fellow is truly a “Legend in His Own Mind”
Two insights into Obama.
Richard Epstein discusses Barack Obama
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Richard Epstein is the James Parker Hall Distinguished Service Professor of Law at the University of Chicago, where he has taught since 1972. He was a colleague of Barack Obama when Obama taught as an instructor. Epstein had mutual friends with Obama, and talked to Obama about some issues. His main description is that Obama is under complete self-control
“Obama worked as a community organizer and was in many cases very constructive. He organized public/private partnerships to help the homeless and downtrodden.”
“But, the difficulty you get, for someone who has only worked in that situation, is that he believes the creation of private wealth is something the government cannot influence or destroy. He has many fancy redistribution schemes, in addition to his health plan and new labor laws, which are all wealth killers.”
“The fundamental mistake of his entire world view is that he treats contracts as devices for exploitation and not as devices for mutual gain, and he assumes that redistribution can take place without any negative impact upon production.”
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Robinson: Would you ever give him tenure at the University of Chicago Law School?
Epstein: No, no, no. We did not give Obama a tenured offer. Obama was such an engaging fellow, that we all would have offered him a tenured track position [not tenured, but leading to tenure if the work is high quality]. But, Obama realized that he was not cut out for an academic career. It wasn’t what he wanted.
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Obama and God
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When God talks to you through your inner voice, it is better than prayer. Obama experiences this every day, in his own words, revealed in a March 2004 interview with a reporter on religious issues. Obama declares his submision to God, and further claims to have a daily conversation.