It’s all playing out according to plan.
Now that Newt’s surge has stalled or burst, the full frontal attack is being launched on Ron Paul.
It’s not that the scrutiny is not warranted, it’s just interesting that it took so long.
Some of the belated nature of the criticism is excusable; as long as Paul stayed within his base, he was someone to be feared more for the threat of a third party run than on the merits. So much better to cajole him rather than confront him.
Now, however, Paul’s surge in Iowa threatens the integrity of the Iowa caucus system; if he wins it’s hard to make the case for continuing to give Iowa the first in the nation slot. A Paul win, with all that baggage, also would be an embarrasment for Romney, the presumptive nominee who not only can’t seem to break 25% but who also can’t beat Ron Paul in the heartland.
Paul’s attack ads against Newt in Iowa were welcomed by Romney supporters, who were happy to have Paul take down Romney’s main challenger.
What does it say that the Republican media and political establishment devoted a month towards a scorched earth policy against the former Speaker of the House who gave us balanced budgets, welfare reform, and a conservative revolution, yet was willing to tolerate Ron Paul in the service of electing Mitt Romney?
Sorry, hard truth time.