Self-insured Posted by William A. Jacobson Saturday, November 26, 2011 at 07:00am 5 Comments Facebook Twitter Telegram LinkedIn WhatsApp Reddit Email Pinterest Digg Print Buffer Pocket Blogger Yahoo Mail Flipboard Viber Skype Facebook Messenger Copy Link More Sharing Options Pinterest Digg Print Buffer Pocket Blogger Yahoo Mail Flipboard Viber Skype Facebook Messenger Copy Link From reader and bumper sticker photographer extraordinaire Linda, who spotted this at the Lowe’s parking lot in Nasheville, TN: Facebook Twitter Telegram LinkedIn WhatsApp Reddit Email Pinterest Digg Print Buffer Pocket Blogger Yahoo Mail Flipboard Viber Skype Facebook Messenger Copy Link More Sharing Options Pinterest Digg Print Buffer Pocket Blogger Yahoo Mail Flipboard Viber Skype Facebook Messenger Copy Link DONATE Donations tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. 5 5 Comments Bumper Stickers Tags: Bumper Stickers
The same bumper sticker was seen in GERMANY four years ago!
Visit a gun show. These are sold by the hundreds. These snappy sayings appear on Tees and hats. One of my favorites is, “Gun control is not about guns. It is about control”. Another is, “Molon Labe”. Look it up.
“Come and get them!”
Correct. But who said it, when did she/he say it and what were the circumstances? My guess is if you knew the answer, you know the rest.
My little ancient Honda is protected by a Glock 19.
Love these states that readily hand out CHL(s) to law abiding citizens.
Juat another reason that I could never return to the northeast to live…