Saturday Night Card Game (Never let a good child abuse case go to waste)

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:

The child abuse accusations against Jerry Sandusky rightly have captured the attention of the nation.  The protests of students after it was announced the Joe Paterno was removed as head coach also rightly were condemned as having lost sight of what really was important.

But for “union organizer and labor journalist” Mike Elk writing at Michael Moore’s website, it was too good an opportunity to pass up the chance to play the race card, Penn State Riots About White Men Not Liking to Be Held Accountable:

If, like me, you scanned the crowds rioting at Penn State last night after the announcement of the firing of Joe Paterno, you may have noticed that nearly all the people there were white men. The riots were about white men not liking to be held accountable….Old, conservative white men around the state revered the football coach who stayed on well past his prime into his eighties. Paterno stayed on when others told him he was wrong not to change his old ways, well after his coaching seemed ineffective and his team’s record suffered.  Paterno’s perseverance in the face of his deficiencies was a beacon of hope for many white men in Pennsylvania who felt their power challenged by liberals and people of color seeking to change their ways.That’s why I paid attention to the crowd rioting on television at Penn State last night. The firing of Joe Paterno upset the natural order that white men like Joe Paterno could rule not based on merit — as Paterno’s coaching deficiencies showed — but because white men always had.

Never let a good crisis go to waste, or a good child abuse case.

Tags: race card, Saturday Night Card Game