“Occupy Wall Street is no longer a protest”

So says a policeman speaking about the nightly violence and mayhem at Zuccotti Square and its surroundings, as quoted in The NY Post:

“Every single night it’s the same thing. I mean, some guy was a victim of  rape!” an officer snarls. “There comes a time when it’s over. This is a  disaster. It’s all we’re doing, every two seconds, is locking somebody up every  time. It’s done.“It’s done,” he repeats. “Occupy Wall Street is no longer a protest.”Scenes like this — and far worse — have been playing out since the Zuccotti  Park “occupation” began on Sept. 17.The parcel is now a sliver of madness, rife with sex attacks, robberies and  vigilante justice.

And it’s not just in New York. Instapundit has a round-up of links to what America would look like, if we let it.

Update:  Reader Ben sends the link to this photo, proving OWS is not about the money: